Fat freezing financial solutions

Looking for a cryolipolysis procedure provider with a monthly payment plan ? Research generally points towards CoolSculpting being a relatively safe and effective treatment for removing some areas of fat. A 2015 review published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery analyzed 19 previous studies of cryolipolysis. Researchers found that when the studies had measured fat reduction with a caliper, which is a tool similar to a ruler, people lost an average of 14.67 to 28.5 percent of the fat in areas treated by cryolipolysis. When the studies measured the fat reduction with ultrasound, people lost 10.3 percent to 25.5 percent. The authors found no major health risk factors associated with the procedure. There was no reduction in liver function or lipid levels, meaning that CoolSculpting is purely a cosmetic procedure. Moreover, freezing away fat without making other lifestyle changes may not improve a person’s overall health.

There are many advantages to cryolipolysis: There is no damage to nerve fibers, blood vessels, muscles, or lasting damaging to skin in the treatment area. Fat cells that have been damaged or destroyed are permanently removed from the body. Patients may experience an increase in self-esteem due to an improvement in their appearance.

During the procedure:
– A vacuum applicator is placed on the skin to bring it into contact with cooling panels.
– Patients feel a cold sensation for a few minutes, as it produces an anesthetic effect.
– The fat is cooled for up to an hour.

Disadvantages of cryolipolysis include: One rare side effect that may occur is paradoxical adipose hyperplasia. In this rare condition, the size of fat cells increases after cryolipolysis. Men and people of Hispanic ethnicity are more likely to experience it. Weight gain is possible after undergoing cryolipolysis. Fat may be deposited in other areas of the body.

Cryolipolysis should not be performed on patients who are obese or significantly overweight. Also, it should not be performed on areas of skin that are cut or injured, contain severe varicose veins, dermatitis, or other skin lesions.

If you’re a good candidate for it, CoolSculpting has some benefits over other fat-elimination procedures. Fat cells frozen by CoolSculpting never return because the body eliminates them. There are no incisions because it’s a noninvasive procedure, and there’s no scarring after treatment. There’s also no required rest or recovery time. Results may begin to show in as little as a few weeks, with most people experiencing full results three months after their final treatment.

LA Lipo Cryolipolysis offers a national fat freezing service for targetted weight loss for Men and Women. Proven weight loss solutions in a fast and effective way. For the whole body its a cost effective and safe way of getting toned without going tot he gym or waiting weeks. Call us today in to get the body of the your dreams. Read more info on https://la-lipo.co.uk/finance/. You can repay in full within 30 days at 0.0% interest, or choose an instalment plan to repay on a monthly basis. You can change your instalment plan at any time. Interest rates from 1% per month – remember, if you pay in full in the first month, your loan is INTEREST FREE!