Best ICU nurse responsibilities tips and tricks with Tene Kishan

Top rated critical care nurse skills guides from Tene Kishan? Tene Kishan Los Angeles has a background in health care and public administration. She earned 3 college degrees and has a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in political science, a Bachelor’s of Science in nursing and a Master’s Degree in public administration. Tene Kishan is Registered Nurse with a background in ICU/Critical Care and owns a non-profit organization that’s provides services and puts on community events for youth in need of housing services in the area of Los Angeles County.

What Does a Registered Nurse In The ICU Do? There are certain skills that many registered nurse in the icus have in order to accomplish their responsibilities. By taking a look through resumes, we were able to narrow down the most common skills for a person in this position. We discovered that a lot of resumes listed critical-thinking skills, communication skills and compassion.

Tene Kishan on ICU nurse careers: The following are the different types of critical care nurses: Postoperative care ICU unit nurses – These nurses work with patients who experience pain following surgery. They typically have exceptional knowledge of anesthesiology. Pediatric ICU nurses – These nurses work in pediatric intensive care units and provide care to critically ill or injured children. Emergency room ICU nurses – ER nurses work with patients that need urgent treatment. They work long shifts, usually up to 40 hours a week. Neonatal ICU nurses – Neonatal nurses work with newborn babies who face a life-threatening disease or condition. Cardiac care unit ICU nurses – These nurses work with the most critically ill patients. They boast of exceptional experience and education in the medical field. Cardiothoracic ICU nurses – These nurses work with patients suffering from severe heart conditions. They handle a maximum of 2 patients.

A patient’s cultural and spiritual background influences many aspects of nursing in critical care, such as patient and family roles, communication, nutrition, values and beliefs towards health, care and treatments, and end-of-life care. Careful assessment of the patients’ health beliefs, communication needs, social networks and family dynamics, dietary requirements, religious practices and values, is essential to plan and deliver culturally sensitive and spiritual care that contributes to the quality of life, care and satisfaction of patients as well as their families (Willemse et al, 2020).

Critical care nurses or ICU nurses must be physically, mentally, and emotionally strong to work with seriously ill patients and their loved ones. Most patients in a critical care unit are physically and mentally unstable and they require respiratory and heart monitoring as well as treatment adjustments. ICU staff RNs are responsible for managing medication doses, anesthesia, and ventilator support. Critical care nurses or ICU nurses must be proficient in a wide variety of high-level nursing skills. ICU nurses need to be a specialist in evaluating intensive care patients, recognizing complications, administering care, and coordinating with other members of the critical care team. Successful critical care nurses also excel at interpersonal communication, leadership, strategic planning, critical thinking, and decision-making. Discover more details at