Optical Shop/Glasses solutions by dr. Aarti Pandya Atlanta

Optical Shop/Glasses services with Aarti Pandya, MD 2023: Dr. Pandya believes every patient deserves personalized, compassionate care that is tailored to their unique needs and goals. She takes the time to get to know each patient on an individual basis and educate them about their condition and treatment options before recommending the most suitable course of action. Patients can rest assured that Dr. Pandya has their best interests in mind at all times. Discover even more information on dr. Aarti Pandya.

It’s Safe, Effective and Inexpensive: More than 2 million cataract surgeries are performed every year in the United States alone. It’s considered to be one of the safest and most effective surgical procedures available. During your cataract surgery screening, we can also discuss the many benefits of insurance coverage (such as Medicare) to help offset the out-of-pocket cost of cataract surgery.

What Exactly Is It? Diabetic retinopathy typically affects both eyes and causes progressive damage to the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. The high blood glucose levels associated with diabetes can cause serious damage to the blood vessels. And your eye is home to the most intricate network of blood vessels in the body. There are a number of treatment options that can help slow or stop the progression of diabetic retinopathy before it causes significant vision loss. Laser Treatments – Blood vessel abnormalities and leaks can be targeted using advanced focal or scattered laser therapy.

Some dry eye cases worsen during allergy season and improve throughout the year. Heavily air conditioned environments (e.g., offices) and springtime allergies can also worsen dry eye. In any case, if you experience constant irritation and other bothersome symptoms from dry eye constantly, we can discuss your treatment options with you. For more severe cases of dry eye, our vision experts may recommend the following: Prescription eye drops (Restasis or Xiidra), which lubricate eyes and reduce inflammation associated with dry eye syndrome; Antibiotics or tear-stimulating drugs; Punctal plugs to prevent tear drainage; Intense pulsed light therapy, a non-surgical procedure to slow the evaporation of tears.

Primary open-angle glaucoma is the most common variant, accounting for more than 90 percent of all cases. Initially it only affects peripheral vision, and its effects are gradual, making it difficult to diagnose without comprehensive testing. By the time most patients notice the associated vision changes, permanent damage has already occurred. Who Is at Risk? If you are over the age of 40, you are at greater risk of vision deterioration, and therefore more susceptible to glaucoma and other eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. But age is just one of a number of glaucoma risk factors.