Handyman home repair service in Charleston

Handyman home repair service in Charleston offers a few tips regarding home maintenance. Be aware of using the right fixtures and fittings for the item you are fitting. If mounting a heavy item on a wall you must ensure that you accurately match the fittings with the material of the wall. If a cavity wall you’ll need to understand the maximum weight loading that the wall is capable of carrying before undertaking any DIY task.

If you have claustrophobic tendencies, you might want to take note of this common home repair. Sometimes, doors getting stuck really scare me more than they bother me, so I followed this simple trick. Cut a piece of thin cardboard in the size of your door shims, and insert it between the actual door shim and your door hinge. Screw the parts back and voila! Problem solved.

If you’ve ever spent anytime painting, you’ll know that taking the time to lay some painter’s tape before applying color will make your final product look professional and clean. But you can also use this trick for anytime you need to lay down some fresh caulk. But remember that, with caulk, you’ll need to pull the tape up before it dries, unlike with paint. Eventually faucet heads will start to show a reduced flow and may even begin to release water in an uneven spray. This is caused by buildup of tiny grains of sand or other mineral deposits that gum up the aerator—or mesh screen—at the tip of the faucet. Wrap some tape around the aerator to protect it and then twist off (lefty loosey, righty tighty!). Wash out debris and then let it soak in vinegar for about an hour. Scrub it clean and then reassemble.

Keep your garbage disposal running smoothly, Since you throw all kinds of junk into your garbage disposal, it’s only logical it’ll need a little care and attention on a regular basis.After use, make sure to always run the machine with cold water for a minute with dish soap inside. Cold water will help solidify any grease so it can be chopped up before hitting the trap. As well as this minor periodic maintenance, you’ll need to make an effort to properly upkeep the unit. An easy way to do this is to toss a lemon or an orange into the disposal once or twice a month. The citric acid from the fruit helps break up any buildups of grease, and, as an added bonus, it smells great. If the garbage disposal is giving off a particularly nasty smell, just pour 4 tablespoons of Borax down the drain and leave it to sit for an hour or so before rinsing with hot water.

Many homeowners may decide to remodel the home or repair specific aspects of it due to unforeseen accidents, housing issues, or simply to add a feel of fresh air to the space. In any case, home maintenance is a never-ending project that can be daunting, especially for busy homeowners. However, it can be a very rewarding experience if you work with the right contractor. That is why we are committed to providing top notch service done right the first time. Read more info on Charleston Handyman.