5 min bedtime

5 minute bedtime story book? Where Do We Want To Head: We will soon be bringing the audio book stories and read along video stories to help you in saving even more of your time when finding and reading the right stories for your kids. For that to happen soon, we’ll need your support. Let’ grow together! We have an extensive team to manage the 5 Minute Bedtime website and the associated social media pages for our audience. We collectively strive hard to bring new, original and authentic content so you can keep coming to our website and find something new to read to your child every time. See more details at short stories with moral in english for kids.

Skippyjon Jones wakes up every morning with the birds, much to his mother Junebug Jones’ annoyance. Skippyjon loves to bounce on his big boy bed and doing so one day, he sees his reflection in the mirror. Looking at his reflection, Skippyjon decides that he is not a cat but a Chihuahua named Skippito. He puts on a mask and goes off into his world of imagination, where he meets a band of Chihuahuas in a Mexican desert and takes on a bandit named Bumblebeeto. Lost in his wild imagination, Skippito makes a mess of his room instead of tidying it up. His mama looks at him fondly, sighs and says “What am I going to do with you, Mr. Cocopugs?” That night, Skippyjon bounces on his bed again, instead of going to sleep, to go on another adventure in his creative world.

It was a pleasant sunny day when the little boy went out to play with his friends. He needed to do pee pee but held it as he wanted to win the game he was playing. All of a sudden, his pants turned wet. He ran home to change the pants. It was then he heard a song. ‘The bathroom is the only place to pee…’ “If you feel you need to go even while you play, go straight to the bathroom without any delay.” Two little sisters went into a room to play with a ball. The tall one slowly whispered, “We must be careful not to wake the cat.” The fat one whispered back, “We should not spoil the roses.” But they wanted to throw it high as the ceiling would not hurt. The white cat was hearing all this. It thought, “Why would they come here to play at all. They can only disturb me or spoil the roses.., instead, they can play in between the shady trees in the garden.. Who knows, their ball might touch the sky!”

Goodnight Gorilla is a funny bedtime story about a naughty gorilla in a zoo. The story is a good read that can put your kid in a lighter mood and relax. The zookeeper goes on his nightly rounds to ensure all the animals are secured and safe inside their cages. He starts off by checking on the gorilla, a naughty one. The mischievous gorilla picks off the keys from the zookeeper and frees all the animals as they go along, tiptoeing behind him. The animals follow the sleepy zookeeper through the zoo and to his cottage. The animals settle themselves comfortably in the zookeeper’s bedroom. The zookeeper’s wife wakes up when the animals sleepily say “good night” and is startled to see them in her room. She takes them all back to their cages, but the gorilla and his friend, the mouse, find their way back to the cottage and the bed, where they finally fall asleep.

Once a princess found a ring in her garden, which gave five stunning powers to her, which only she can enjoy. The five powers were: to sleep effortlessly, to make fire without flint, to make rain shower without clouds in the sky, to grow a crop she wanted, and to sing like an enchanted siren. One day, a witch cast a spell all through the kingdom. The witch took away to sleep, fire, rain, crops, and songs from everyone in the kingdom. All this made the princess cry for the helpless people. She ran out to her balcony and kept singing for months together. She sang about good and evil, rain and fire, and so on. She has sung for a year. One day the princess slowly disintegrated into the wind, and the kingdom came back to its original state. She was never seen again but was just heard. Every year, good people of her kingdom held a celebration for her! Find more information at 5minutebedtime.com.