Premium pawoof cat water fountain provider

Pawoof cat water fountain factory today: We have sufficient marketing material including photos and videos for our clients to launch the product on their website, with ongoing marketing photos and videos are created, we always update to our clients for all new contents. We know end user’s anxiety when product is broken after use it for certain time, we always keep extra parts in stock. According to the reasonable ratio, we supply some extra with the order together to let clients serve their customers in time. Read many more info on Genuine Pets.

Sorry doggies, it can’t be that easy! These types of feeders slow down how quickly dogs can eat, preventing them from inhaling their food along with large gulps of air. A slow feeder or interactive feeder can be shaped like a bowl, but there are also mats, balls and other shapes. They have ridges, nooks, lumps and bumps that your dog has to negotiate around. They come in a variety of materials, from plastic and silicone to stainless steel. Slow feeders may look like toys, but they can help improve your dog’s health and comfort and prevent serious medical conditions.

Do you have a cat who inhales his meals? Does she throw up after meals, a syndrome also known as “scarf and barf?” Does she show other signs of indigestion? If so, your cat may benefit from a slow feeder bowl. They can prevent vomiting after meals. However, a cat who vomits frequently, regardless of how fast he eats or what bowl she eats from, requires veterinary attention. Frequent vomiting is never normal. They promote healthy digestion. Slower eating reduces bloating and can help better nutrient absorption. They provide mental stimulation. Depending on the design of the feeder, your cat may have to work at getting every last morsel.

The main problem with obesity in our feline family members is that they are eating too many calories from free feeding, which is the process of leaving food out constantly so that a cat can eat whenever he wants to. This contributes to obesity in cats because they are eating too much all the time. Most indoor cats should only eat 270 to 290 kcal/day, which is one-half of a cup or less of most commercial cat foods. Most owners unconsciously feed their cat way more food than they need every day. Controlling portion size is an important first step to combatting feline obesity. Ask your veterinarian how much you should feed your cat daily to get the right diet for your cat. Discover additional details at

With four levels, multiple openings, and a stable base, the GenuinePets Senses Food Tree challenges your cat to paw out snack-sized portions at a much healthier pace. Add kibble to the different levels and watch as your cat makes the kibble or treats fall down into the collector tray. This playful puzzle combines six different fun activities for your cat to explore when you’re not at home. The Treat Puzzle holds slightly less kibble or treats than the previous slow feeders, making it the ideal maze for a midday snack. Change your cat’s play environment frequently to keep them interested.

Slow feeders are a wonderful invention that helps cats to eat more slowly over time. Slow eating reduces the number of calories consumed, leading to fewer feline obesity issues. Feline obesity is detrimental to their quality of life and exposes them to many diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis. Also, binge eating is one of the main reasons many cats throw up after eating, and it’s known that most cats who eat from a conventional bowl binge their food. Slow feed bowls make eating a trickier process than simply slurping up wet food or guzzling down kibble in record time.