Glass photo blocks

Models of picture frames we offer : Poster: If you buy a picture that is larger than normal or a poster and want to hang it on the wall, then you have a few choices. While some people will simply stick the poster onto the wall with glue or tape, a much better option is a poster-size picture frame. Not only does this make the poster look more finished and high-quality but it is much less likely to accidentally damage your walls in the process. They often come with different width frames, making it easy to choose one that will set off your poster and make it pop.

Display : These picture frames have a piece in the back that will pop out and allow the frame to stand upright on a table. This makes them perfect for when you want to display your photographs out in the open, on a side table, or on top of a chest of drawers. They are not ideal for hanging on the wall as the piece in the back will make it almost impossible for the frame to hang flush against the wall and they will be very easily knocked off. When looking for a tabletop frame, make sure that you like the degree at which it leans as it is almost impossible to change this. Some frames come with adjustable backs so you can choose how upright you want the frame to be but most do not have this option. Shape : Square picture frames are not nearly as common as rectangular frames are but you still have a wide variety of choices when opting for this kind of picture frame. Depending on the size of the photograph that you are going to display, they may have a very wide frame around them, which will draw in the eye of the viewer and ensure that the picture is the main focal point.

Do you use stand-off bolts? Using stand-off bolts to secure an acrylic print to the wall is common, but we prefer the floating off the wall look where all the hardware is completely hidden. This is the configuration you’d typically see in a gallery setting. While acrylic prints can be offered much cheaper using stand-off bolts since a backer material isn’t needed, we believe these are a distraction to the image. That said, we do have customers that prefer it for various reasons (ie to match existing prints they already have or to provide better security), so can provide this option as a custom order. The vast majority of our acrylic prints are produced with hidden floating and hanging hardware. If security is a concern for you we have a french cleat solution with locking security hardware. Read extra details at Box picture frames.

Materials: Snap-in frames are really easy to take apart and put back together. The whole back of the frame will pop out and will allow you to take out the picture and the glass as well. This makes it very easy to clean the glass so you don’t have to worry about smudges detracting from the beauty of the picture.

Here’s how it all happens: before the process begins, your photograph will be inspected for any imperfections. Then, your picture will be printed onto heat transfer paper, made specifically for the dye-sublimation process. At this point, the image on the heat transfer would look like a transparent, desaturated version of your original image.

Professional framing needs professional photo printing to really bring it to life. Our professional photo framing products include our stylish acrylic box frames, impactful box photo frames, stand-out floating picture frames, and our range of eleven craftsmen-built photo frames online collection. Choose from our standard range of sizes or we’ll build the professional framing solution you want to your bespoke size requirements.

Contact Us:
Sim Frame
Unit 8,
The I O Centre,
Hearle Way,
AL10 9EW.
01707 27 37 47