Top travel blogs to read in 2019

Let’s talk about top quality travel blogs in 2019. World is full of travel blogs so bloggers are forced to become more and more professional, comprehensive, posts get bigger and bigger, filled with more and more information, pictures and other travel things. Here are a few travel blogs that i like visiting.

A Broken Backpack, Melissa is a Canadian doll. She has no filter and is such a warm hearted individual. YOU MUST catch her on Snapchat or Youtube. She’s either hitchhiking though SE Asia or sharing her travel shenanigans. She’s such a talented individual and has truly proven that hard work pays off. Melissa has been published on Huffington Post, Matador Network, Thought Catalog and much, much more. She’s a true female backpacker and an inspiration!

Globalhelpswap: Eco-travellers Karen Sargent and Paul Farrugia believe in enriching travel experiences that respect the destination’s culture, landscape and resources. Tim Leffel’s Cheapest Destinations: Travel veteran Tim Leffel tells you how to stretch your travel budget further with tips about destinations, travel deals and travel gear.

Matt Karsten is the adventure travel writer, photographer, and videographer behind Expert Vagabond. He’s been a full-time travel blogger for seven years, sharing his entertaining stories, useful travel tips, engaging videos, and inspiring photographs with visitors to Expert Vagabond. Take a look around the site, and you’ll be motivated to add more adventure to your life. Once a full-time lawyer, Indiana Jo now writes about her independent travel and adventures and hopes to inspire readers to pursue your own travel adventure dreams. Since 2010, Indiana Jo has visited more than 60 countries and six continents and become a digital nomad. She shares information to help readers arrange independent trips and other useful information for people who are looking to visit destinations with others.

The Fearful Adventurer is a travel blogger who approaches the travel blog from a different perspective. Having traveled to some of the more exotic and dangerous locations in the world, this blogger has a lot of insight to offer travelers. Torre is the name of the woman who writes for this blog, and she has seen quite a bit of action throughout her travels. She provides those who are planning their next trips with valuable information about accommodations, food, attractions, activities, and more for every location to which she travels.

Another blog that i like reading, one of my favourite travel blogs, is TforTraveller , a travel blog with awesome travel posts. The content i like the most are the 72 hours guides, they are perfect for maximizing your fun in a short weekend break. Solo travellers will find top tips on how to navigate abroad safely and achieve the full benefits of hitting the road alone. Equally, those in group s will discover the best way to plan a trip to ensure that everyone is ticking off their bucket list while making friends along the way. Backpackers, adventure seekers, city breakers, wildlife enthusiasts, history buffs, culture vultures and foodies will find something especially for them here. Read extra travel info at