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Taking care of your money is extremely valuable. Here are several advices related to finance terms. Standard credit cards are referred to as “plain-vanilla” credit cards because they offer no frills or rewards. They’re also relatively easy to understand. You might choose this type of credit card if you want a card that isn’t complicated and you’re not interested in earning rewards. The standard credit card allows you to have a revolving balance up to a certain credit limit. Credit is used up when you make a purchase and then more credit is made available once you’ve made a payment. A finance charge is applied to outstanding balances at the end of each month. Credit cards have a minimum payment that must be paid by a certain due date to avoid late-payment penalties.

Payday Loan Interest: Payday lenders charge borrowers extremely high levels of interest that can range up to 500% in annual percentage yield (APR). Most states have usury laws that limit interest charges to less than approximately 35%; however, payday lenders fall under exemptions that allow for their high interest. Since these loans qualify for many state lending loopholes, borrowers should beware. Regulations on these loans are governed by the individual states, with some states even outlawing payday loans of any kind. In California, for example, a payday lender can charge a 14-day APR of 459% for a $100 loan. Finance charges on these loans are also a significant factor for borrowers as the fees can range up to approximately $18 per $100 of loan.

Terms: A loan shark is a person who – or an entity that – charges borrowers interest above an established legal rate. Often they are members of organized groups offering short-term loans who use threats of violence for debt collection.

Guarantee : A guarantee is a non-cancellable indemnity bond, backed by an insurer. It offers investors security that an investment will be repaid. A limited guarantee is when the amount the guarantor is responsible for is limited to a set sum or time frame. A non limited guarantee is when the guarantor is obligated to repay all amounts due.

For our finnish readers here is a resource that you might find useful : How To Make Money With Your Account. Margin call: An amount requested by a lender when the value of a loan is too high compared to the value of the collateral or security the borrower has offered. This is related to the loan to value ratio. This generally relates to loans used to purchase shares.

Net Income: In its most basic definition, net income refers to a company’s total earnings or profit. Simply put, net income is the difference calculated when subtracting all expenses (including tax expenses) from revenue. When a company’s net income increases, it’s normally a result of either revenue increasing or expenses being slashed. It goes without saying that an increase in net income is generally perceived as a positive thing and factors into a stock’s performance.